Would you like to increase mileage, reduce wear and increase the longetivity of your engine and transmission?
Why do I need SMT2®? Learn More About SMT2
Even the most modern engine and transmission oils cannot guarantee 100% protection from wear. SMT2® metal treatment provides an additional level of protection in situations when conventional lubrication can no longer help.
SMT2® works on an entirely different principal than oil additives. It incorporates heat activated chemical technology that actually modifies the molecular structure of the ferrous metal surface to smooth imperfections and cracks. SMT2® is designed to use oils and lubricants as carriers to points of heat and friction without changing any oil tolerances. SMT2® does not add volume to the lubricant because SMT2® is a metal treatment that microscopically permeates ferrous metals on the surface and leaches through the porosity of the metal itself. SMT2® reacts best under T-H-P (time-heat-pressure). SMT22® starts to activate at temperatures of 100–150 u02daF; however, higher temperatures equal faster activation.
SMT2® technology has “leap- frogged” current metal treatment technology and leads the way for anti-friction metal treatment into the third millennium. SMT2® combines all the positive aspects of previous technology into its new technology without any of the harmful negative attributes as- sociated with prevailing technology.